Town Clerk's Office, Church Lane, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7AD


Town Council Meetings

The full Town Council of all 16 Councillors meets once a month on a Monday at 7:00 pm in the Corn Exchange, Market Place, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7AF. However, this has been amended from 1st April 2024 due to the renovation works to the Corn Exchange and the Town Council is now meeting in Woodhouse Gardens Pavilion, The Tabernacle (next to the Post Office). The meeting dates can be viewed here: Diary of Meetings 2024-2025 – Woodhouse Gardens Pavilion

Access for the disabled is available.

The Town Council meetings are also available online via Microsoft Teams. The link to join is in each agenda and joining instructions can be found here: How to join the Town Council meeting

The Press and Public are welcome to attend all Council meetings. The Public may put questions or make statements on any matter in the public session at the beginning of each meeting. The public session is restricted to 15 minutes.

If, after discussion of an Agenda item, the Council decides that a Working Group should be formed to look at the matter in more detail then the membership and the remit of the Group will be agreed by the Council. The membership of the Group can also include people who are not Councillors, but who have knowledge or expertise relevant to the subject matter.

Town Council Agendas are set by the Town Clerk in liaison with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council. However any Councillor can request any item to be put on the Agenda. This can be done informally either through the Town Clerk or Chairman, or formally, by means of a motion, as per the Town Council’s Standing Orders (the Council’s operating rules and regulations). Town Councillors receive their agendas and papers via email and a paper copy is provided at the offices.

The Minutes of the Town Council meetings are usually available four working days following the meeting. They are not a verbatim account of the Meeting but detail decisions reached and record the voting. Minutes are available to the Public either via this website (see below), or at the Town Clerk’s office, or the Library. They are also circulated to the various local media organisations so that they can report on the issues via newspapers and radio. Once a decision has been passed by the Council and a course of action identified, the work is organised and is carried out by the Town Council’s Executive Officer, the Town Clerk, with her team of staff.

Councillor Nocturin Lacey-Clarke is the Chairman of Council 2024/2025


Monday 29th July 2024
Monday 24th June 2024
Monday 10th June 2024
Monday 13th May 2024
Monday 13th May 2024 Annual Meeting of the Town Council
Monday 22nd April 2024
Monday 15th April 2024 Annual Town Assembly
Monday 25th March 2024
Monday 19th February 2024
Monday 29th January 2024
Monday 18th December 2023
Monday 27th November 2023
Monday 30th October 2023
Monday 25th September 2023
Monday 31st July 2023
Monday 24th July – Co-option
Monday 3rd July 2023
Monday 19th June 2023
Tuesday 9th May 2023
Tuesday 9th May 2023  Annual Meeting of the Town Council

Please visit the bottom of the page for agendas prior to this date.


Monday 24th June 2024
Monday 10th June 2024
Monday 13th May 2024
Monday 13th May 2024 Annual Meeting of the Town Council
Monday 22nd April 2024
Monday 15th April 2024 Annual Town Assembly
Monday 25th March 2024
Monday 19th February 2024
Monday 29th January 2024
Monday 18th December 2023
Monday 27th November 2023
Monday 30th October 2023
Monday 25th September 2023
Monday 31st July 2023
Monday 24th July 2023 Co-option
Monday 3rd July 2023
Monday 19th June 2023
Tuesday 9th May 2023
Tuesday 9th May 2023 – Annual Meeting of the Town Council

Please visit the bottom of the page for minutes prior to this date.

Corn Exchange Meetings

Councillor Steve Hitchings, Chairman of Corn Exchange Meetings 2024/2025


Monday 22nd July 2024
Monday 20th February 2024 – CANCELLED
Monday 26th February 2024
Monday 12th February 2024
Monday 16th October 2023
Monday 24th July 2023
Monday 22nd May 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for agendas prior to this date.


Monday 22nd July 2024
Monday 26th February 2024
Monday 12th February 2024
Monday 16th October 2023
Monday 24th July 2023
Monday 22nd May 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for minutes prior to this date.

The Committees

The Council operates on a Committee system according to the remits of the Committees. Where necessary the Committees make recommendations to full Council. The Recreation and Amenities Committee and the Town and General Purposes Committee meet every other month. The Town Council and the Town Council Planning Committee meet monthly. In addition there is a Finance and Staffing Committee which meets on a quarterly basis. Councillors can express a preference for a particular Committee but are voted onto Committees at the Annual Council Meeting. The election of the Chairmen of Committees and Vice-Chairmen takes place at the same time.

Subject matters are brought before Committees and Council by means of the Agenda. This is issued a minimum of three clear working days before a meeting. The agenda is displayed on the public notice boards around the town and posted on the website. The agendas are set a week before each meeting by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council or Committees in liaison with the Town Clerk. At full Council meetings the Committees’ minutes are received and any Committee resolutions involving major changes to Council policies are voted upon. The press and public are welcome to attend all Council meetings.

The minimum commitment expected of Councillors is to attend full Town Council and Planning meetings together with either Recreation and Amenities or Town and General Purposes Committees. There are generally no meetings held during August. Councillors with holiday commitments at other times are asked to notify the Town Clerk.

Recreation and Amenities Committee Meetings

Councillor Sheila Chapman, The Chairman of the Recreation and Amenities Committee 2024/2025

This area of the Council’s work deals with the management of all Council properties and buildings (as listed below). It also deals with all matters relating to recreation and amenities as they affect the town and residents of Blandford. This includes hire charges for Council venues, terms and conditions for Sports Clubs, the Cemetery and the Allotments.

Recreation Grounds, Gardens, Open Spaces, Cemetery

Park Road Recreation Ground and car park
Larksmead Recreation Ground and car park
Langton Road Amenity Area
Cemetery Grounds and car park
Cemetery Field
Parish Church Grounds
Allotments (self managed administration)
Woodhouse Gardens
Dr Davis’s Memorial Area
Larksmead Equipped Children’s Play Area
Park Road Equipped Children’s Play Area
Langton Road Equipped Children’s Play Area
Balmer Road Equipped Children’s Play Area
Bowling Club Grounds (mainly self-managed)

Municipal and other buildings, Community Halls etc.

The Corn Exchange and Shambles
Town Hall
Council Chamber
Town Clerk’s Office and Community Room
Larksmead Pavilion
Woodhouse Garden Pavilion
Bowling Clubhouse
Blandford Cemetery Chapel and Store
Cricket Club Pavilion
Football Club Pavilion


Monday 17th June 2024
Monday 22nd January 2024
Monday 13th November 2023
Monday 11th September 2023
Monday 19th June 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for agendas prior to this date.


Monday 17th June 2024

Monday 22nd January 2024
Monday 13th November 2023
Monday 11th September 2023
Monday 19th June 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for minutes prior to this date.

Planning Meetings

Councillor Alan Cross, The Chairman of Planning 2024/2025

The full Council meets monthly to discuss planning applications and related subjects. It has authority to discuss/debate and record Town Council observations on planning applications. These observations are relayed to the Dorset Council Planning department so they can be taken into account in the decision making process.


How to join the Planning meeting

Monday 20th May 2024
Monday 4th March 2024
Monday 5th February 2024 – CANCELLED

Monday 15th January 2024
Monday 4th December 2023
Monday 6th November 2023
Monday 2nd October 2023
Monday 4th September
Monday 17th July 2023
Monday 5th June 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for agendas prior to this date.


Monday 20th May 2024
Monday 4th March 2024
Monday 15th January 2024
Monday 4th December 2023
Monday 6th November 2023
Monday 2nd October 2023
Monday 4th September 2023
Monday 17th July 2023
Monday 5th June 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for minutes prior to this date.

Town and General Purposes Committee Meetings

Councillor Colin Stevens, The Chairman of the Town and General Purposes Committee 2024/2025

This area of the Council’s work deals with the all matters relating to and touching upon the town of Blandford Forum, which do not fall under Recreation & Amenities or Finance.

Rights of Way
Christmas Lights in conjunction with the Chamber of Trade
Town Signs
Council Website
Community History Book
Flower Displays/Planting Programme
Town Benches
Notice Boards
Town Twinning
Redundant Railway Arches
The Old Bath House

Consultative and lobbying aspects

Waiting Restrictions/Car Parking/Speed Limits
Transport and highway issues including
Dorset County Council’s Transport Plan
Economic Development
Ward and Town Boundaries
Traffic/Highway Matters
Town Housing Policy (including town infrastructure provision)
Environmental Issues
Policing and Crime Prevention
Cycling Facilities
Street names and signs
Bypass Signage
Taxi Ranks
Government consultation papers


Monday 15th July 2024
Monday 11th March 2024
Monday 20th November 2023
Monday 9th October 2023
Monday 10th July 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for agendas prior to this date.


Monday 15th July 2024
Monday 11th March 2024
Monday 20th November 2023
Monday 9th October 2023
Monday 10th July 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for minutes prior to this date.

Finance and Staffing Committee Meetings

Councillor Lee Hitchings, The Chairman of Finance and Staffing 2024/2025

This area covers all matters relating to Council’s finances and the efficient and effective management of its resources. Staffing, as its name suggests, is responsible for all staff related matters and Health and Safety issues.


Financial Reserves

Council offices and support services:

Financial, administrative and full Council support services
Public reception and venues booking service
Mayoral and civic events


Monday 10th June 2024
Monday 18th March 2024
Monday 11th December 2023
Monday 18th September 2023
Monday 12th June 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for agendas prior to this date.


Monday 10th June 2024
Monday 18th March 2024
Monday 11th December 2023
Monday 18th September 2023
Monday 12th June 2023

Please visit the bottom of the page for minutes prior to this date.

Relevant documents / links:
Protocol for recording meetings
General Terms of Reference
Committee Membership 2024-25
Standing Orders (updated November 2023)
Section 13 – Financial Regulations and Contracts (updated June 2024)


Town Council Agenda/Minutes Archive


Agenda 17th April 2023 / Minutes 17th April 2023
Agenda 17th April 2023 Annual Town Assembly
Agenda 27th March 2023 / Minutes 27th March 2023
Agenda 20th February 2023 / Minutes 20th February 2023
Agenda 30th January 2023 / Minutes 30th January 2023
Agenda 19th December 2022 / Minutes 19th December 2022
Agenda 28th November 2022 / Minutes 28th November 2022
Agenda 17th October 2022 / Minutes 17th October 2022
Agenda 26th September 2022 / Minutes 26th September 2022
Agenda 25th July 2022 / Minutes 25th July 2022
Agenda 27th June 2022 / Minutes 27th June 2022
Agenda 3rd May 2022 AMTC / Minutes 3rd May 2022 AMTC


Agenda AMTC 4th May 2021 / Minutes AMTC 4th May 2021
Agenda 21st June 2021 / Minutes 21st June 2021
Agenda 12th July 2021 / Minutes 12th July 2021
Agenda Co-Option 27th September 2021 / Minutes Co-Option 27th September 2021
Agenda 27th September 2021 / Minutes 27th September 2021
Agenda 18th October 2021Minutes 18th October 2021
Agenda 22nd November 2021 / Minutes 22nd November 2021
Agenda 20th December 2021 / Minutes 20th December 2021
Agenda 24th January 2022 / Minutes 24th January 2022
Agenda 28th February 2022 / Minutes 28th February 2022
Agenda 28th March 2022 / Minutes 28th March 2022
Agenda 25th April 2022 / Minutes 25th April 2022


Agenda 8th June 2020 / Minutes 8th June 2020
Agenda 6th July 2020 / Minutes 6th July 2020
Agenda 27th July 2020 / Minutes 27th July 2020
Agenda 28th September 2020 / Minutes 28th September 2020
Agenda 26th October 2020 / Minutes 26th October 2020
Agenda 23rd November 2020 / Minutes 23rd November 2020
Agenda 21st December 2020 / Minutes 21st December 2020
Agenda 25th January 2021 / Minutes 25th January 2021
Agenda 22nd February 2021 / Minutes 22nd February 2021
Agenda 22nd March 2021 / Minutes 22nd March 2021
Agenda 26th April 2021 / Minutes 26th April 2021

Planning Agenda/Minutes Archive


Agenda 24th April 2023 / Minutes 24th April 2023
Agenda 3rd April 2023 / Minutes 3rd April 2023
Agenda 6th March 2023 / Minutes 6th March 2023
Agenda 6th February 2023 / Minutes 6th February 2023
Agenda 16th January 2023 / Minutes 16th January 2023
Agenda 5th December 2022 / Minutes 5th December 2022
Agenda 7th November 2022 / Minutes 7th November 2022
Agenda 3rd October 2022 / Minutes 3rd October 2022
Agenda 5th September 2022 / Minutes 5th September 2022
Agenda 11th July 2022 / Minutes 11th July 2022
Agenda 6th June 2022 / Minutes 6th June 2022
Agenda 16th May 2022 / Minutes 16th May 2022


Agenda 24th May 2021 / Minutes 24th May 2021
Agenda 28th June 2021 / Minutes 28th June 2021
Agenda 26th July 2021 / Minutes 26th July 2021
Agenda 6th September 2021 / Minutes 6th September 2021
Agenda 4th October 2021 / Minutes 4th October 2021
Agenda 1st November 2021 / Minutes 1st November 2021
Agenda 6th December 2021 / Minutes 6th December 2021
Agenda 17th January 2022 / Minutes 17th January 2022
Agenda 7th February 2022 / Minutes 7th February 2022
Agenda 7th March 2022 / Minutes 7th March 2022
Agenda 4th April 2022 / Minutes 4th April 2022


Agenda 18th May 2020 / Minutes 18th May 2020
Agenda 22nd June 2020 / Minutes 22nd June 2020
Agenda 7th September 2020 / Minutes 7th September 2020
Agenda 5th October 2020 / Minutes 5th October 2020
Agenda 2nd November 2020 / Minutes 2nd November 2020
Agenda 7th December 2020 / Minutes 7th December 2020
Agenda 18th January 2021 / Minutes 18th January 2021
Agenda 1st February 2021 / Minutes 1st February 2021
Agenda 1st March 2021 / Minutes 1st March 2021
Agenda 12th April 2021 / Minutes 12th April 2021

Corn Exchange Agenda/Minutes Archive


Agenda 27th February 2023 / Minutes 27th February 2023
Agenda 24th October 2022 / Minutes 24th October 2022
Agenda 18th July 2022 / Minutes 18th July 2022
Agenda 23rd May 2022 / Minutes 23rd May 2022


Agenda 17th May 2021 / Minutes 17th May 2021
Agenda 19th July 2021 / Minutes 19th July 2021
Agenda 29th November 2021 / Minutes 29th November 2021
Agenda 21st February 2022 / Minutes 21st February 2022


Agenda 30th November 2020 / Minutes 30th November 2020
Agenda 15th February 2021 / Minutes 15th February 2021

Finance & Staffing Agenda/Minutes Archive


Agenda 20th March 2023 / Minutes 20th March 2023
Agenda 12th December 2022 / Minutes 12th December 2022
Agenda 13th June 2022 / Minutes 13th June 2022
Agenda 21st March 2022 / Minutes 21st March 2022


Agenda 7th June 2021 / Minutes 7th June 2021
Agenda 13th September 2021 / Minutes 13th September 2021
Agenda 13th December 2021 / Minutes 13th December 2021
Agenda 21st March 2022 / Minutes 21st March 2022


Agenda 1st June 2020 / Minutes 1st June 2020
Agenda 14th September 2020 / Minutes 14th September 2020
Agenda 14th December 2020 /Minutes 14th December 2020
Agenda 15th March 2021 / Minutes 15th March 2021

Recreation & Amenities Committee Agenda/Minutes Archive


Agenda 23rd January 2023 / Minutes 23rd January 2023
Agenda 14th November 2022 / Minutes 14th November 2022
Agenda 12th September 2022 (cancelled due to the National period of public mourning)
Agenda 20th June 2022 / Minutes 20th June 2022


Agenda 20th September 2021 / Minutes 20th September 2021
Agenda 8th November 2021 / Minutes 8th November 2021


Agenda 15th June 2020 / Minutes 15th June 2020
Agenda 21st September 2020 / Minutes 21st September 2020
Agenda 9th November 2020 / Minutes 9th November 2020
Agenda 8th February 2021 / Minutes 8th February 2021

Town & General Purposes Committee Agenda/Minutes Archive


Agenda 13th March 2023 /Minutes 13th March 2023
Agenda 21st November 2022 / Minutes 21st November 2022
Agenda 10th October 2022 / Minutes 10th October 2022
Agenda 4th July 2022 / Minutes 4th July 2022
Agenda 14th March 2022 / Minutes 14th March 2022


Agenda 5th July 2021 / Minutes 5th July 2021
Agenda 11th October 2021 / Minutes 11th October 2021
Agenda 15th November 2021 / Minutes 15th November 2021
Agenda 14th March 2022 / Minutes 14th March 2022


Agenda 29th June 2020 / Minutes 29th June 2020
Agenda 12th October 2020 / Minutes 12th October 2020
Agenda 16th November 2020 / Minutes 16th November 2020
Agenda 8th March 2021 / Minutes 8th March 2021

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