C/O Legion House, Church Lane, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7AD


Town Clerk

The Town Clerk is the “Proper Officer” of the Council and all employees of the Council answer to the Clerk. The Clerk’s overriding responsibility is to advise the Council, ensuring its decisions are lawful and then managing the implementation of those decisions. The Clerk takes instruction from the Council as a corporate body and is not answerable to any individual Member. It is therefore imperative that the Clerk remains, at all times,  independent, professional and objective in all that they do.

Blandford Forum Town Council’s Town Clerk is Linda Scott-Giles and she leads a team of 9 full-time and 7 part-time staff plus the honorary roles of Mace Bearer, Deputy Mace Bearer, and two Town Criers. The ratio between the Town Clerk’s salary and the median average salary of the whole of the authority’s workforce is 2.2:1.

Operations Manager

The Operations Manager works alongside the Town Clerk to ensure smooth and effective daily running of the Town Council. They are responsible for managing all aspects of the Town Council’s Grounds and Property portfolio and manages, and ensures compliance with, relevant health and safety regulations and codes of practice with due regard for the health and safety and welfare of all Council employees, contractors, visitors and users to Council venues. Blandford Forum Town Council’s Operations Manager is Jon Goodenough. Jon leads a team of 4 groundsmen, 3 caretakers/grounds assistants and the Grounds and Property Supervisor.

Responsible Financial Officer

The RFO is responsible for the proper administration of the Town Council’s financial affairs under the line management of the Town Clerk who retains overall financial control. The RFO ensures the smooth and effective daily financial running of the Town Council.

Committee Clerk

The Town Council’s Committee Clerk  provides full administrative support to the Town Council for all aspects of its operations, and has responsibility for the Town & General Purposes committee and Planning meetings.

Business Support Officer

The Business Support Officer manages the cemetery and supports the role of the RFO with financial administration.

Administrative / Mayor’s Assistant

The Mayor’s Assistant maintains the Mayor’s diary, correspondence, organisation of and attendance at civic events as well as other office duties, which include the organisation of council events.

Bookings Receptionist / Administrative Assistant

The Bookings Receptionist carries out general reception duties and operates and maintains the computerised bookings system for the Town Council’s venues, including the administration and liaising with hirers and council staff, as well as other office duties.

Market Manager

The Market Manager is responsible for the running of the indoor and outdoor markets and to promote existing and introduce new markets. Blandford Forum Town Council’s Market Manager is Andy Reynolds.

Grounds & Property Supervisor

The Grounds and Property Supervisor plans work schedules and communicates these with the staff, ensuring all works are carried out to a high standard. Blandford Forum Town Council’s Grounds and Property Supervisor ensures that the Council’s leisure and recreation facilities and open spaces are maintained to a high standard, specifically the upkeep of the Cemetery for which the Town Council often receives praise.

Grounds Staff

The Grounds Staff undertake the maintenance and upkeep of the Town Council’s leisure and recreation facilities, and open spaces, together with all the Council’s buildings under the training and guidance of the Operations Manager. Blandford Forum Town Council has four full-time Grounds Staff, and a Grounds & Property Supervisor, who all ensure that the Town Council’s facilities are maintained to a high standard.


The Caretakers ensure that the Town Council’s buildings and landholdings are maintained to a high standard and prepared for their varied uses under the training and guidance of the Operations Manager. Blandford Forum Town Council has 3 full-time Caretakers who all attend to the security, cleaning and maintenance of the Council’s buildings and grounds and the preparation of the buildings for hirers.

The Town Council aims that each employee and Member feels respected and able to give their best. It also recognises the importance of ongoing training for both employees and Members. It therefore adheres to an Equality Policy and Training Policy.

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