To find out more about the Town Council’s plans and procedures please follow the relevant links below. If any of the information published is unclear, or you would like to find out more information please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
Town Council Plan
- Town Council Plan 2024-2029
- Appendix A List of Town Council Assets 2024
- Appendix B Action Plan 2024-2029
- Appendix C Annual Processes
- Appendix D Budget Plan 2024-2029
- Climate Change, Biodiversity & Nature Action Plan and BFTC Actions taken to date
Standing Orders
Standing Orders is an easy-to-understand comprehensive guide on the legal, financial, administrative and governance aspects of running a local council. Together with the Financial Regulations, the Standing Orders are an essential tool for established and new councillors and officers involved in this tier of local government
Financial Regulations
Financial regulations govern the conduct of the financial transactions of the Council to ensure that its financial management is adequate and effective. Together with the Standing Orders, the Financial Regulations are an essential tool for established and new councillors and officers involved in this tier of local government.
Freedom of Information
According to the Information Commissioner’s Office the purpose of this scheme is to make the maximum amount of information readily available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public. Charges made by the authority for routinely published material will be justified and transparent and kept to a minimum.
The model publication scheme published by the Information Commissioner’s Office can be viewed by following the link below: