C/O Legion House, Church Lane, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7AD

Appeal Ref: APP/D1265/W/22/3310636 Land at Deer Park Farm, Deer Park Lane, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 7BN

January 1, 2024

The Blandford+ Neighbourhood Plan (B+NP) has played a key part in the determination of the decision to refuse the appeal to the Secretary of State for an application to build a ’temporary village’ for up to 40 caravans for Ukrainian refugees at the Deer Park, Blandford Forum.

Following refusal of the planning application by Dorset Council (and Blandford Forum Town Council, Bryanston Parish Council and Blandford St Mary Parish Council), an appeal was submitted to the Secretary of State. The appointed Inspector applied B+NP policies alongside those of the North Dorset Local Plan, and other considerations, in coming to his determination.

Blandford Forum Town Council is delighted with the Planning Inspectorate’s decision to dismiss the appeal and refuse planning permission at the Land at Deer Park Farm, Blandford Forum, Dorset.

Town Councillors unanimously objected to the application, and this stance was also strongly supported by Simon Hoare MP and local residents.

Throughout the Preliminary Matters, the Inspectorate has referred to both the Blandford+ Neighbourhood Plan and its Design and Guidance Codes, proving that a strong Neighbourhood Plan carries a significant weight.

The Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan Group – made up of Blandford Forum Town Council, Bryanston Parish Council and Blandford St Mary Parish Council – has worked hard to produce a strong and respected Neighbourhood Plan.

The Dorset Echo reported the decision on 21st February 2024: https://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/24131239.controversial-plans-refugee-village-dorset-refused/

You can read the Inspectorate’s decision here: Appeal Decision

Last modified: June 11, 2024

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