Town Clerk's Office, Church Lane, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7AD


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Blandford Forum Town Council

Blandford Forum Town Council is the parish authority for the town of Blandford Forum and has an estimated population of 10,400 with 4,800 households (2021 Census) and is 409 hectares in area. It is the third tier of government after parliament, and Dorset Council (formed in April 2019). Its legal powers are granted to it and regulated by various government acts. The Town Council supplements the provision of local government services in Blandford Forum. It provides a range of social and recreational facilities, such as:

Woodhouse Gardens, Allotments, Grit bins, Churchyard, The Skate Park, Cemetery, Grants, Sports Pitches, Outdoor fitness equipment, Markets, Play Areas, and CCTV while promoting and representing the town with other national and statutory bodies. For example, the Town Council acts as a consultee and lobbying force with the Dorset Council and regional and national government putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community.

The Dorset Council (formed in April 2019) covers the whole of the county except Bournemouth and Poole. It’s main responsibilities include education, social services, highways, strategic planning, libraries, development control, environmental health, refuse collection, economic development, tourism and major recreational facilities such as the Blandford Leisure Centre. The Dorset Council consults with the Town Council on such subjects as the County Structure Plan, the Local Transport Plan, the Mineral and Waste Local Plan, the Local Plan, planning applications within Blandford Forum and the economic development strategy.

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